Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Stewardship: The endless flow of need and supply

The question, a common one, loomed in the air. "If God is love, how can he allow suffering, hunger, injustice and disease. " It's an honest question and comes from a deep place. A place of doubt and longing. It comes from a place inside all of us that wants to make sense of things. It is a question that Christians are sometimes afraid to ask, out of fear that there is no answer and that it may cause doubt.

But if there is one thing that I have learned, God is bigger than my doubt. This may make little sense but I find that often I find God in the searching and not always in the answers. That is to say that our words, our descriptions of God, fail to encapsulate Him and therefore provide only a hint at understanding him. But in the search I find comfort. In the search I find a restless hope and comfort.

I have become convinced that the basis of life is love. Not just love but unconditional love. This is the very nature of God and of Grace. Unconditional love, however is at its best when there are barriers to overcome.

Which brings me to stewardship. The definition of Stewardship being, the proper use and accounting of what has been entrusted to you. It should conjure the image of a manager or a person that has been put in charge of anothers' property. Stewardship, in view of the way of Jesus, would start with an understanding that everything you have is not yours but what you have been entrusted with by God. In our individualistic culture, we have often viewed this, even in our churches as, am I being ethical in my finances, am I planning for my future, am I wasting money, do I give my tithe check every month to the church. It is a very self centered view of life and of God's working in the world. It is a view that says what is God doing in me and with this world immediately around me. Which is good, But maybe there is something more. Maybe there is something bigger.

Maybe the concept of stewardship addresses bigger, deeper and more global questions. Maybe it speaks to the nature of God. Maybe if we look at it from a slightly different perspective we can see past our doubt to the compassion and unconditional love of God and his desire for justice in all of creation. If you look though the Biblical narrative God consistently works through humanity to accomplish his will. It is, in itself an act of compassion and unconditional love to trust us with this task.

If we would get outside ourselves for a moment and look at the world from a global perspective, we might get a glimpse of the world the way God sees it. I may be wrong, but the way I see it there is this beautiful flow to life. There is this endless ebb and flow of need and supply. There are those that have none, but there are also those that have plenty. There are those that are suffering injustice, but there are those that bask in freedom. There are those that have been awakened to the Gospel and there are those that have never heard the good news of Jesus and his freedom and Grace.

So the original question might be the wrong question. Maybe we should not be asking, how could God allow these things. Maybe the proper question is, why am I not doing anything about these things. I am not wealthy by western standards, but I have much. I have a job, clothing to wear, food to eat, clean water to drink and home to live in. I live in a country were I have the freedom and the ability to do and become anything that I desire. I am educated, have friends and a loving family, And I KNOW JESUS!! I have been given an awareness of God, the creator of all things and I have been given the good news that Jesus has died to restore me and is using me to restore the rest of creation. I have been given much! God wants to restore the world. He wants to use us in that process. The kingdom of heaven is here and available to all.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Stay Free

The power of words never ceases to amaze. A friend of mine wrote a comment on one of my blogs. It was insightful and honest. He ended it with two words: Stay Free. Since then I cannot leave these two words alone. They are working me over. I realized that these are the words that we should say to all followers of the way every day.

So pick up the narrative in Exodus. The people of Abraham, who had made a covenant with God find themselves enslaved by an impressive, oppressive, self indulgent regime. The Egyptians were breaking their backs to build massive stone monuments to honor their Gods and their kings. The labor and the treatment was severe and they cried out to the God who had promised them hope and prosperity. Then the Bible says four sweet words, "He heard their cries." Awesome! God set in motion a plan to bring His people out from this oppression and fulfill his part of the covenant. We all know the story. God brought Moses from the desert to lead the children of Abraham out of Egypt and eventually they would end up in the promised land. A kingdom is established and a time of prosperity occurs.

However, the people did not uphold their end of the bargain and they slowly invited themselves back into slavery. They forgot where they had come from. They forgot what God had done for them. They had forgotten the exodus. So they found themselves in Slavery. First it was enslavement to decadence and failure to show mercy and take care of the poor. Next it was actual enslavement as the Babylonians swept through and destroyed Jerusalem and the temple and took away the best and brightest of them into exile and into forced labor. Slavery, again. God brought up prophets from among the people who came to make sense of all that had happened and to turn their hearts back to God. Eventually God heard their cry and allowed them back into their land and they returned again. Free.

While in exile in Babylon, the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah prophesied that among them a new Moses would come and lead them into a new Exodus. What they said though is that this would be a new Exodus an ultimate exodus for all people and for all things and that it would not be freedom from physical oppression but freedom from the ultimate oppression. The oppression of sin. The oppression that we inflicted upon ourselves from the beginning.

430 years later that vision was realized in the birth, life and death of a Jewish Rabbi named Jesus. He has provided for us a new Exodus, an ultimate exodus a universal exodus. An Exodus that leads us out of chaos and into the promised land of restoration.

And that is where we are. But, if it was true then, than it is true now and although we find ourselves basking in our freedom we are always somehow inching back toward slavery.

Why do we do this? Why do we forget? Why do we have wait for painful circumstances to put us on our knees before we remember? Why do we have to wait until the Babylonians show up at the door, destroy our homes and cart away our children to decide that it is time to remember?

Our encouragement to each other therefore should be, hey don't go back to the old way. Don't forget. Don't be saddled by legalism, don't be enslaved by your sin. Don't go back to chaos run to the freedom of redemption. Whatever you do, wherever it takes you and whatever the cost....STAY FREE!!

God help me not invite disaster into my life by forgetting my past. Remind me of those moments of pain that pushed me back to freedom. Let me not forget and may we all stay free.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


God continues to stretch me, and to stretch my mind and my concept of Him and of humanity. Words like love, creation, community, and intimacy trouble me. Where I use to say OK, now I say why. We use these words so lightly, like idle chatter. They have become so cheap. But words are powerful. They have meaning and purpose. It is the only way that we have to describe reality. It is the only way to communicate the deeper things. These words in particular are loaded with meaning and we need to rediscover them.

God has created us for community. Not just community but perfect community. Community with Him, with creation and with others. So what is community? What is it really? It has become the new church buzz word, the latest strategy and format for programming the christian life. But, what is it?

I know that the basis of life is love. Not just love but unconditional love. It is the thread that ties all of existence together. God is this love and He is the fabric of life. Unconditional love is difficult for us to understand because we put condition on everything. Love, without condition is not a means to an end but the beginning and ending of all things. It is at the heart of God's intent. It is the nature of God and written out for the world to see in the life and death of Jesus. It is God's desire for our relationships as seen in Jesus' admonition to "love each other as I have loved you" It is God's desire for all relationships. It is community as God sees it.

Community is the expression of this love. It is the expression of this love without condition. Not a means to an end but the beginning and the end. Not, if you do this I will do that. But, simply this is it, here it is, rest in it. Not, if you convert to my religion or denomination I will love you, not if you admit that I am right I will love you. It is simply I love you, period. It is intimacy, not identical to but not unlike the marriage relationship. "The two shall become one." Oneness. Community is oneness. Extending out from self to God, to family, to friends, to church and to the whole world. "Love your neighbor as your self." Oneness, so that even though individual still one.

God, Help me to love without condition. Help me to see all people, your people, as one with me. Help me to see and feel my intimacy with all of creation. Help me to see that their needs are my needs so that feeding the hungry, helping the sick, caring for the abandoned, freeing the enslaved and telling the world your good news becomes self preservation.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I thought today that I might spend a little bit of time further exploring an idea that I have eluded to in previous blogs. It is this issue of "Calling". If you have been reading this blog you may know that this is an issue that I have wrestled with since I was 16 years old. It has caused me great anxiety over the years and in many ways has left me paralyzed in my faith and in my life's pursuits.

Some of these ideas may be a bit controversial. I am by no means an authority but read through carefully before passing judgement.

In the church today there are those that express a "calling" to go into vocational ministry. I was one such person. As a teenager I had this compelling conviction in my heart that God wanted more from me, that there were specific plans for my life and that it somehow involved people and the church and serving God and serving others. In my faith tradition when this happens it is often identified as being called to vocational ministry and often times when a person does this they go before the church and make a public proclamation of this decision. When you do this there is special recognition and it elevates your status within that community. After all those that have given their lives to serve the church and to work within that church are very special people and they likely have made a very significant commitment of their lives to God and have a great deal of love and affection for God. We should certainly applaud that type of commitment. It is commendable. The problem is that when we elevate the status of those people to this new level it places everyone else on a lower plane. It is inevitable that it does this. If you have the one you will naturally have the other. If there is a left there is a right and if you have an up you have a down and if you have a more spiritual you have a less spiritual. So the problem is not that these people have made this commitment but that there are others who have not. So the problem then, is that it automatically lowers the expectations for all of those who don't make this commitment. We expect less of them. It is only natural to look to those who have made the elevated commitment and elevate our expectations of those people. I have even heard it said of a person that was once in a vocational ministry position and then left to go into the business world that, "he must not really have been called." I think this is an arrogant and harmful attitude and illustrates the issue that I am writing about.

The problem is that the idea of the professional christian was not original to the church movement. It came later and has been dramatically expanded in the western church in the last half century or so. As we became more affluent as a society our churches became more affluent and so there was additional money to pay salaries for all manor of pastors. Lead pastors, executive pastors, missions pastors, youth pastors, children's pastors, pastors of this and that and you name it. (If you are one of these please do not take offense until you hear me out. ) This has dramatically expanded the problem and expanded the chasm between the two groups of people. Again the problem is not with the people themselves but with what happens when we institutionally support such a structure.

How many times have you heard a pastor say, I am not the church you are. You are the ones that will do the work of the church not me, I am just like you and for the most part it falls on deaf ears.

You see, I believe that God has called us all to lives that are likely radically different than the lives that most of us have been living. We are all called to the ministry. We are all called to surrender our lives totally and completely to God. We are all suppose to study scripture with diligence. We are all called to love those around us with mercy and service and devotion. We are all called to live in complete devotion to God. We are all called to sacrifice. Every single one of us. It is not about a job, it is not about a paycheck, it is about life. I should be no less devoted to God and to people than my pastor. He is no different than me. We share the same salvation, the same faith and the same God and therefore God has the same expectations for our lives. There is no excuse for living less, doing less, loving less or being less.

This issue also comes from a misunderstanding that there is a division in life between what is sacred and what is secular. God created everything and therefore by its very nature every thing is essentially sacred. Granted there are many things that we have taken in harmful directions. But all of life is God's. You cannot separate your life into the stuff that involves
God and the stuff that does not. Most of the time the message is that we need to take a little bit more of the God stuff and sprinkle it in with our non-god stuff to make it better. The problem is that it is all God stuff. Are you in health care, caring for people compassionately was one of Jesus' primary roles in ushering in the new kingdom. Are you in business or a service industry? The proper ordering and distribution of the planet's resources was as responsibility given to Adam. It has been sacred for all time. Are you a teacher? What could be more sacred than teaching, molding and shaping a young mind? Whatever it is that you do it is a sacred occupation. Do it well, to the Glory of God and for the benefit of all people.

So, a couple of conclusions. If you are in a vocational ministry position and you feel like you need to move on to something outside of the church for a paycheck, its o.k. You don't have to feel as though you have turned away from your calling. If you are in a church job and feel that it is your place, keep serving. God bless you and your service, God bless your ministry your life and your family. If you find yourself siting in a seat or a pew on Sunday morning, it is time to see yourself in a new light. Raise your own expectations. God wants all of you. He wants you to love him with ALL of your heart, mind soul, and strength.

God help me to see that all of life is yours. Help me to love you more and help me to see how to express that love to you.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Love your neighbor as yourself.

What would happen to our planet if we would begin to take this seriously?

When asked Jesus said that this was the second most important commandment...ever....so you might say that it is kind of a big deal. In order to enter into this discussion we must first make a couple of definitions. I will say that in this format you cannot make an exhaustive definition of these things but I will try. First of all, lets define love. The Bible says that God is love and Jesus came to this earth to show us really what God was like so lets just say that Jesus is love. Look at the life of Jesus and you will see love living His life. Jesus (love) loved extravagantly, honestly, without reservation or expectation. He did not determine who was deserving of love or righteous to receive it, he poured it out mercifully on everyone he met. Ultimately he suffered and gave his own life showing us the ultimate that love can do.

Who is my neighbor. My neighbor is everyone on the planet. My wife, kids, the people next door, the people at my church, the people at my job, your boss, that jerk who cuts you off on the freeway, that guy that picked on you in high school, that person that cheated you out of money, that girl who broke your heart, your ex-wife or husband, the gay couple down the street, that child with AIDS, the starving family in Costa Rica, the Muslim, the Jew, the terrorist, the person you've never met. Everyone.

What.....what would the world look like if we took the first definition and combined it with the second?

What would happen in your marriage if you stopped trying to manipulate each other and love each other unconditionally, extravagantly, without holding back? What would happen at your job if everyone stopped looking out for themselves and worked together for the good of each other. What kind of people would your kids become if they felt the warmth and security of unconditional love and acceptance mixed with loving concern and correction? What would happen to war if there was no more hate? What would happen to our churches if we all lived this way? What would happen to poverty and disease?

God, help me play my part in restoring the bride of Christ to her intended glory. Help us to dress ourselves in love. Make it our only concern and may that transform us, our families, our churches, our cities, our nation and the world, for your Glory, because you are mercy, you are grace, you are compassion and YOU ARE LOVE!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I went to Church

"...at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. "

I was not even suppose to go. I had been sick all week and feeling pretty awful. In fact I had just canceled a previous commitment. But it happened, someone came into the office and said hey, so and so, has some tickets to U2 if anyone wants them. Thinking to myself that this was probably a once in a lifetime opportunity for me I decided to go. I like U2 a great deal and have always wanted to go to a concert.

I do not want to be overly dramatic about what I experienced there but the only way that I can describe it is worship. I have always been impressed with U2s lyrics and their overt Christian symbolism and poetry and I have been very impressed with Bono's commitment to social justice and feeding the worlds hungry but I did not expect to experience what I did.

Reliant stadium was packed, which means there was probably on the order of 70,000 people there. Every single person focused on the stage and reacting to what was happening there. Every one singing these words about God and Heaven and Jesus and Justice and whether they were aware of it or not they were singing words of praise to the Glory of the creator and restorer of the universe(that every tongue would confess that Jesus is Lord). The roof was open and it felt as if the praises were rising up to the stars. At one point Bono began singing Amazing Grace. Every person in the building had their hands raised, singing in unison. Then he led into the song, "Where the streets have no name". I was on the verge of tears. I was no longer thinking about the stage or the concert but my face was lifted to the sky and I was thanking God for His mercy and my life and I was suddenly struck with fear.

If you have been reading this blog you will know that God has been doing some things in my heart and I am coming to see that I have missed it. I have been next to it all of my life but have somehow missed it. In some ways I have been like the Pharisee, seeking God's righteousness but missing it all together, wanting to show people my knowledge and my position, but never my heart. God has been showing me Jesus. A new Jesus who is actually the old Jesus, the real Jesus and reminding me that He is the example and that He is the King and that He was a servant. God is reminding me that for me, and the Church to bring him Glory, we must serve, Serve selflessly, love extravagantly, live out mercy and to bring about Justice. If we would just wake up and do this, Jesus would be honored. The world would see His greatness and begin to sing his praises in unison, singing Amazing grace, not from ignorance but changed hearts and saved souls. I want to be a part of a revolution. I want to see this world changed and I want my Jesus to be Glorified. The real Jesus, the Jesus that served people and fed them, and healed them, the King Jesus that washed His disciples feet and looked at every poor soul with mercy, Grace and the purest love.

God, may you be Glorified in all of the earth, may your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May I live my life to this end and not be afraid to pour myself out like a dink offering giving my whole life, all of me to show others how amazing you are and that because you are love and the essence of mercy you have come to restore all things.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

motivated by love

Words are powerful. They are far more than the sum total of the letters necessary to produce their specific sound. They are representations of deeper things. Things that are born in our innermost being. Concepts, emotions, ideas and more. They start deep within and then are processed through the filter of language and then are set free to go out and fulfill their purpose. The authors of the Bible recognized this, in fact in the creation poem it says that God SPOKE and the universe was created. It also says that in the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God and the Word was God. Words are powerful. We must choose them with great care and concern, to insure that they fulfill their intended purpose with accuracy and precision.

In the study of life, of God and the things of God it is crucial that we choose those words carefully because belief and systems of belief are formed around those words.

There is a word that God is helping me understand with greater accuracy. The word is love. The Bible says that God is love, so to understand God we must fully understand love and to fully understand love we must understand God.

Thinking on this I have realized that all of my life I have misunderstood something fundamental to who I am and what God's intention is for me. All my life I have been in church learning all of these things. The things of God. Some people might refer to these things as the Laws of God and the concept has always been that I will do these things if I love God. Lately I have been reading the words of God with new eyes and I now see that in actuality If I love God, I will do these things.

The difference is subtle, and a cursory reading of the two lines might lead you to believe that they are one in the same, the same concept. God has been changing me in this area and I have begun to read scripture in the light of the two greatest commandments of Jesus. Love God with all of your heart, sole, mind and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus is telling us here that the thing he wants most from me is my love. He does not want my time, my money, my obedience, or my life. He wants me to love him with all of my being.

In my relationship with my wife and with my kids I do not serve them to love them. I love them and so I love to serve them. I love them, I love them so much it hurts me and everything in me wants to do for them and make them happy and to make sure that they have what they need and so much more. God teaches me through them everyday. If I do the things of God it does not mean that I love God, but if I love God I will do the things of God, naturally, organically as a matter of course.

God, show me you, show me love and I know that I will continue to fall in love because you are love.