Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Restore my failures

I am having one of those days today. The kind of day that you hope to never have. The kind of day when you stare failure right in the face. It is hard to look in the mirror and not like what you see. There are those moments in life when you realize that you are human and not a very good one at that. What do you do in those moments? I think that most of the time I prefer to simply check out, so to speak. Pretend it is not there. Pretend that failure does not exist. In other words I deny my humanity. I deny my sin. I deny that I am vulnerable. I deny that I am hopeless. I deny that I need God. That's right. I said it. I deny that I need God. That's really what it is, is it not? Failure is when need has run it's course, when the human condition has been taken to it's logical conclusion. When I have to look at my failure dead on, like today, there is no denying it. I can no longer pretend that I am not hopeless. I am in that moment in full realization that I am ruined. Ruined! I have been ruined from the beginning. Simply saved by grace. Saved by Christ, who came to restore all things, even my failure.

God come and restore my life. Restore me. Restore my failure and set things right. You're the only one who can....

1 comment:

  1. looking forward to checking in on your thoughts.
    -jason johnson
