Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I hate bumper sticker Christianity. I loathe it. You can't possibly boil down the way of Jesus to a series of pithy catch phrases, bullet statements or acronyms. Although mostly pure in motive I believe that they have damaged the world's view of Christianity, not improved it.

Having said that, I am going to invoke one today. WWJD. I have been asking myself lately, is this life; is my life a life that Jesus would be living. God has been reinforcing in my mind that Jesus is the standard. Jesus, and no one else. So, would Jesus be living this life I am living. I am not talking about, would he be watching that movie or saying that word or would he wear those cloths. I am talking about the sum total of my life. Would he be doing what I am doing. Would he be working toward the same goals. Would he be focused on having a bigger house, a better car, a bigger savings account, a weekend home, a boat, or whatever. Or would He be spending all His time, energy, and money loving, restoring and telling the people around him about the glory of the father and the redemption only found in him, and loving the people around him with passion. Would he look to all those around, the poor, the hungry, the lonely, the sick and look to meet their needs. If he had a high paying job would he keep it all for himself or would he give it all away.

Donald Miller says that life is hard when you are one of those people that has to ask the why questions. Life would be so much simpler if you just asked how. How, do I make money, how do I marry a pretty wife, how do I buy a lake house or a boat or whatever. I am afraid that I am one of those that asks why. I feel as though I have spent my life doing that. The problem is that it has paralyzed me. I have debated for the last 20 years or so, whether or not I should be doing full time vocational ministry. I have gone back and forth and at times have felt that maybe that's why I'm not happy. I am not doing my calling. That is always the question. Am I doing my calling. If I could just figure that out, everything would be great. I would be walking in line with the rhythm of my life and everything will go perfectly. So I have been paralyzed by this internal debate about what to do and where to go. Ultimately this is a very selfish pursuit. It is very me and my world focused. It assumes that my satisfaction in life is God's ultimate purpose and highest priority.

I had some clarity this morning. Today on RC Sproul's radio show, he addressed this very thing. What he said is that the bible is essentially silent on this issue of calling. The only thing that scripture addresses is that we are all called to salvation and to righteousness. That's it. What we do to earn money is not his primary concern. We are to live everyday working toward that end. Reading scripture, praying living and loving and ultimately growing. It is about change. Our calling is toward change, renewal, and restoration. Our calling is to a life of loving God and loving others. So I deduced the question is not what job am I called to do, but does my job help me or hinder me in this calling of change. So I must stop waiting for writing on the wall, or for the clouds to part and a voice from heaven. God does not guide us like a fortune Teller or a guidance counselor. He is about the business of change, restoration for our good and for His glory.

God, change me, no matter where that takes me, no matter what the cost. Teach me to love like Jesus and make it my calling.

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